Thursday, June 28, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Shillong Again

Its been great here so far! A kind of reconnaissance of all those wonderful times i spent here for 3 years.
The best thing is that even though i have been out of the scene for the last 6 months, people still remember me and all my little shenanginans...
I'll miss this place like anything when i'll go especially when i dont really have any more reason to come back again, there is of course the next year's graduation which is also of my batch (the batch i joined after flunking one semester) but somehow i dont feel that there will be any real tie bindinjg me to come there.
Of course this is just musing for now, who knows i might become closer than ever with them once the internships in delhi start, i might have my wishes of the college life in delhi with the people from shillong.
Its seems so weird that once i never needed to take a taxi to and from anywhere as i usually had one or the other person driving me around. But then again as i strive to remind myself that before those times i was a hardcore walker/ shared taxi personality.
But its harder to leave a luxurious habiot than to get one. I have to remind myself that the local part of shillonhg is gone now and that wasnt the part i had cherished or loved the most while i was here.
True the local life was awesome but it was only so because i knew i had a hostel and college to get back to and people there who would rally around me in the time of crisis.
So ya, coming back served many purposes the main one was to remind me that some things had only hyappened for 6 months while the others were there for the past 3 years and will (hopefully) remain for the next 30 as well.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Starships AKA Tween Prom Dress Song

Seriously people after so many cutely frivolous lyrics from Nicki's side i had actually expected more.. i figured she has managed to find that line between, kiddy and cute!
But with Starships she proves me so very very wrong... I mean its just simple-minded and to some degree it reads like a drunk 15yr old who managed to splash red wine on her bought-by-saving-babysitting-money dress at the popular boys party.
Frankly i think its way below her other works.
And also i have sneaky suspicion that she might have flinched the lyrics from a fan diary.
hey you have a better explanation?

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Empty empty empty inside.
I did what i did because i had to. It wasnt a falling out of love or a lessening of the feelings i had, but it was a debt that can never be paid and a loyalty that must never waver.
It was for the woman who gave birth to me. If a person would say all that was said in pure anger i could forgive and perhaps forget, after all we all lose our heads in anger. But to say it with the calculated cruelty with the sole purpose of targeting that woman?
I'm sorry i cannot bear that. I'm not gonna pretend to be the model child, because i never was. I have screamed at her and even on occassion hurt her beyond words, even used cruel words, but that was a part of growing up and i apologized profusely and did my best to contain these outbursts. Because i knew as did she that in our heart of hearts whatever we said to one another never mattered. The love will always be there.
But to hear her be maligned so foully to simply make a point? To win in a petty inconsequential arguement? From someone who never knew her, who never understood the burdens she bore and the sacrifices she made?
No. That is unbearable to me.
People may analyse that i'm being too defensive over a feeling of guilt over her death and i say, what of it?
I still feel responsible for her death because it was indirectly or directly my fault. And never can i forgive myself and always i will let go of anything and everything for her. Always.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

How to Stay Awake in Office

The best past time is plating with my hair which is growin longer an longer!!! And also accessorize using the various pieces I find wandering in my bag!!

Happy Holi!!!

Now as most people will know Holi in India is the festival of colors to welcome spring, pray for good harvests AND celebrate the downfall of an evil asura (demon) king.
Me thinks that we should celebrate it for a week instead of a day :|
Either way after having my fill of the hooliganism and utter mad fun at the community center, I decided to share the experience with Cads as well!
Speaking of the comm center, there were also a big bunch of abaya clad ladies and their affordable kids also playing with full gusto.
Wish some one would click that and send it to the Vishwa Hindu Parishad.
And probably the Shiv Sena too.

Maybe certain ex-flatmates will also benefit from that picture.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012