Thursday, March 8, 2012

Happy Holi!!!

Now as most people will know Holi in India is the festival of colors to welcome spring, pray for good harvests AND celebrate the downfall of an evil asura (demon) king.
Me thinks that we should celebrate it for a week instead of a day :|
Either way after having my fill of the hooliganism and utter mad fun at the community center, I decided to share the experience with Cads as well!
Speaking of the comm center, there were also a big bunch of abaya clad ladies and their affordable kids also playing with full gusto.
Wish some one would click that and send it to the Vishwa Hindu Parishad.
And probably the Shiv Sena too.

Maybe certain ex-flatmates will also benefit from that picture.


  1. wow.. well well, HOLI for one week, not a bad idea.. all time in bhaaaaaaaang@@@ ... ;-)...
    btw, nice blog..

  2. Hahaha... thanks!!! And i sooo like the direction of your thoughts!
